Baroque Purls

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My blog is 1 year old today!

Mum and Dad rustled up a photo of me with the correct number of candles:

(actually my christening photo, shhh...)

This was my first post on my then-brand-new blog: Adventures in cardigan knitting. My Dad (a veteran gardening blogger) helped me set it all up.

I've since finished two cardigans (nearly!), lots of smaller knitting and crochet projects, seven new designs, and two revisions of older designs. I've moved to a new country, and seen koalas and lots of new birds. I've sung in a few concerts, joined a new choir, and attended the opera twice!

It's been a very eventful year. Blogging has been excellent for keeping my writing skills in use, giving me a record of my projects and thoughts, and most of all, for keeping my family and friends back in New Zealand up to date with my doings. Here's to all the adventures to come. :)